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If you are here, then you are searching.  You are looking for balance and peace, as I am. The world around us has become blurred and unsettled.  We think that we are navigating it, but we are struggling.  Our souls are seeking something that seems out of our reach – but I tell you my friends – it is not. 

Although the journey ahead is still long, I have learned much.  What we all seek has been waiting for us all along.  The true journey is to find a way to be still so that the path is revealed to us.  Are you ready to join me on the Journey?

To be still is to Breathe. Breathe.  In and out.  Slowly and with intention.  Feel your body move, feel your body react to the air moving in and out.  Feel the world slow down.  Be in your body, not your thoughts. Focus on your lungs, your heart, your muscles.  Feel them, really feel them.

This is truly you, your place of peace.  Nothing can hurt you here, you can come here at any time.  This place is always with you. Stop.  Breathe.  Feel.  Relax.  You are safe.

This creation of mine is meant to be liberating.  To free us all from the world of “what we should be.”  To allow us to be “what we are.”  There are many entities around us telling us what is “right,” “normal,” and “good.”  But these words mean nothing to the Seeker.  They are labels created by society to keep us apart from ourselves and from each other.  They are labels created by those who would have power over us.

Break free.  Breathe.  Listen to your body and your true self.  Be as you are.

The purpose of this writing journey for me, is to share and grow with you – to build a community of souls who want to exist in peace and calmness.  We will go many places, see many things, feel many emotions, but always, we will be true to ourselves and who we are. My hope is that you will experience all of this as well.  There is hope and calmness and peace in this world; it lives in all of us as long as we can be still enough to connect to it.  

So again, welcome my friends!  I am so glad you are here.  Please return as often as you need to.  My heart is open to you. 

So Shall It Be. 

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